Andropause Symptoms
MensMAX four caps twice per day
Hormone Synergy two caps twice per day
Testo Cream six pumps per region to axilla, groin and scrotum twice per day
DHEA Cream six pumps per region to axilla, groin and scrotum twice per day
Pregnenolone Cream six pumps per region to axilla, groin and scrotum twice per day
MicroDose HGH four sprays under tongue four times per day
SuperNOX with NO2 and Beets one scoop twice per day in filtered water Norival one capsule three times per day
Power Methyl B12 one tab under tongue three times per day
Super Folate TR one caps three times per day
Red Deer Velvet DR four caps twice per day
Testicular and Vacular Peptides one each twice per day month one, then once at supper
SonicLife Epigenetic Peptide Frequency Therapy 10 minutes twice per day on device
Lumen Photon to Groin and Testes setting 4 for 15 minutes four times per day
Male menopause or andropause is due to rising levels of the sex hormone binding protein and reduced production of the three main male hormones. They are Testosterone, Androsteindione, and Dihydrotestoseterone. To correct these don’t use hormone pills or creams, as these produce excessive conversion to female hormones and don’t improve testicular production or release hormone bound to the sex hormone binding proteins. This protocol is the very best natural and only safe way to correct male menonopause or andropause. You must also remove biotoxins that mimic female hormones. Our bioavailable medical grade NutriMeds are the most safe powerful way to address these important aging male issues.
Core Protocols >>Low Testosterone / High Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Levels …
Andropause Male Sexual Rejuvation
DHEA, Pregnenolone, Testo Cream eight pumps in AM to neck, axilla, groin
Hormone Synergy
SuperNOX NO2 Beets
MicroDose (HGH) three sprays AM and bedtimes for increased Growth Hormone
Testes Peptide as directed on label
Vascular Peptides one per day month one, then before supper after first month
Impotence >ADD:
Vein Away
Ultra Thiamine B1
Disclaimer: These Wellness Protocols are not intended to replace the attention or advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.