Life Extension NutriMeds
Red Deer Velvet DR four capsules twice per day
AntiAgeMAX one to two capsules twice per day
Cell Defense PLUS two caps twice per day or Cell Defene Cur-Q GOLD One scoop twice per day
Cell Detox Glutathione two caps twice per day
CollagenMAX with Biotin one cap twice per day
Collagen Peptides Pro one scoop twice per day
NutriTRALA one tablet three times per day
Carnosine D-Link one capsule three ties per day
Power C PLUS three to four capsules twice per day
MicroDose HGH four sprays sublingual four times per day
Gamma E PLUS one to two softgels twice per day
NADH two tabs four times per day
Sports EnerG-Lyte one scoop twice per day
SuperNox with NO2 and Beets one scoop twice per day
Minerals PLUS one cap twice per day
VitaMineralMAX one cap twice per day
Vein Away two caps twice per day
Life Support one meal twice per day, phase 2 detox
Russian Peptides Organ Target and Vascular Peptides twice per day month one, then at supper
SonicLife Epigenetic Mineral Resonance, Nagalase Blocking, and Specific Organ Regenerative Frequencies
Disclaimer: These Wellness Protocols are not intended to replace the attention or advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.