






H2 PLEX Detoxifies Singlet Oxygen Radical

The benefits of ingesting Molecular Hydrogen

Numerous studies on humans, mammals and in test tubes have demonstrated that MH wields its benefits in seven fundamental ways. They are;

  • Rapidly transforming toxic oxygen radicals into water and flushing them out of the system.
  • Cell hydration; MH deconstructs the surface tension of water so it can easily penetrate cell walls, bringing in nutrients and flushing out mitochondrial debris.
  • Alkalinizing; PH between 8.5 and 9.5. Cancer cannot thrive in non-acidic conditions.
  • Balancing glutathione and SOD—two or our body’s most powerful and fragile antioxidants. Moreover, it replenishes every other anti-oxidant in the entire anti-oxidant cascade back into an effective antioxidant by neutralizing them.
  • Assists in cell signaling, cell metabolism and gene expression. It’s as if your body is being cross tweeted from head to toe with constant updates of its circumstance.
  • Contains magnesium. A necessary co-factor for good health.
  • An overdose is impossible.
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